Friday 12 February 2010

Backward black holes control fate of galaxies -

Backward black holes control fate of galaxies -

L.A. Link: Digital Nation On PBS

L.A. Link: Digital Nation On PBS

Why Machines Need People - TEDxSoMa - Damon Horowitz

YouTube - TEDxSoMa - Damon Horowitz - 1/22/10

Scientists freeze water with heat - LiveScience-

Scientists freeze water with heat - LiveScience-

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson : The New Yorker

Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson : The New Yorker

Bill Gurley on the “Free” Business Model «

Bill Gurley on the “Free” Business Model «

TWEENS ONLINE: Kids rule-- Page:2

TWEENS ONLINE: Kids rule-- Page:2

BBC News - Paying the price for a free web

BBC News - Paying the price for a free web

Sex, lasers and suspended animation: day two at TED - CultureLab - New Scientist

Sex, lasers and suspended animation: day two at TED - CultureLab - New Scientist

Virtual Goods, Accounting, and the Power of the “Rental” Model «

Virtual Goods, Accounting, and the Power of the “Rental” Model «

Official Gmail Blog: Millions of Buzz users, and improvements based on your feedback

Official Gmail Blog: Millions of Buzz users, and improvements based on your feedback

Watch Out Who You Reply To On Google Buzz, You Might Be Exposing Their Email Address

Watch Out Who You Reply To On Google Buzz, You Might Be Exposing Their Email Address

Magenta Ain't A Colour

Magenta Ain't A Colour

News: 'The Warcraft Civilization' - Inside Higher Ed

News: 'The Warcraft Civilization' - Inside Higher Ed

Thursday 11 February 2010

Avatars United: desire or forced marriage? : The Metaverse Journal – Virtual World News

Avatars United: desire or forced marriage? : The Metaverse Journal – Virtual World News

Wrong kind of buzz around Google Buzz | Net Effect

Wrong kind of buzz around Google Buzz | Net Effect

The Road To Immortality Is Filled With Technology – Get Used To It

The Road To Immortality Is Filled With Technology – Get Used To It

Top 10 Broadband » Blog » Google fibre optic broadband: it’s the web, Jim. But not as we know it…

Top 10 Broadband » Blog » Google fibre optic broadband: it’s the web, Jim. But not as we know it…

Alex Pasternack: Attention -- The Internet Is Killing Ours: An Interview With Rachel Dretzin, Producer of Frontline's Digital Nation

Alex Pasternack: Attention -- The Internet Is Killing Ours: An Interview With Rachel Dretzin, Producer of Frontline's Digital Nation

Google Buzz? More Like Buzz Kill - Techtonic Shifts Blog -

Google Buzz? More Like Buzz Kill - Techtonic Shifts Blog -

Low IQ second-highest predictor of heart disease (after smoking) Boing Boing

Low IQ second-highest predictor of heart disease (after smoking) Boing Boing

European Parliament Blocks Bank Data Transfer Deal With U.S. - PCWorld

European Parliament Blocks Bank Data Transfer Deal With U.S. - PCWorld

YouTube, the G-Rated Edition

YouTube, the G-Rated Edition -